Case Studies

Case Studies & Position Statements

CASE STUDY - Chester Zoo (England, United Kingdom)

The Sustainable Palm Oil Challenge is a way of celebrating the companies who are already committed to 100% RSPO certified sustainable palm oil, supporting those that want to be sustainable and making it easier for you to pick sustainable palm oil products at home. We have created a useful Sustainable Palm Oil Shopping List featuring UK companies which are leading the way in sustainable sourcing. Act now and take the Sustainable Palm Oil Challenge and protect some of the amazing species at risk from deforestation in South East Asia. 

Additionally, Chester is the WORLD’S FIRST Sustainable Palm Oil City and is leading the way, one business at a time to create even more sustainable palm oil communities! We are calling for villages, towns, cities, islands and nations around the world to join us and create a network of Sustainable Palm Oil Communities.   Could you be next to take up the challenge in your community? 


Has your zoo or aquarium worked on sustainable palm oil?

We want to hear from you!

Share your achievements with the zoo and aquarium community by sending us a case study.