About us
About WAZA
Since 1935, the goal of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) has been to guide, encourage and support the zoos, aquariums and like‑minded organisations of the world in animal care and welfare, environmental education and global conservation.
WAZA’s vision is:
To be a globally recognised and trusted leader advancing conservation and animal welfare.
WAZA is the global alliance of regional associations, national federations, zoos and aquariums, dedicated to the care and conservation of animals and their habitats around the world. The membership consists of nearly 400 leading institutions and organisations around the world, and this number continues to grow.
More info at www.waza.org
About the WAZA Palm Oil Task Force
The WAZA Palm Oil Task Force was created to fulfil the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that WAZA entered into with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in November of 2017.
This website was created to help with two of the seven specific goals in the MoU which are:
1. WAZA to lead the coalition of zoos and aquariums to promote awareness on the production and consumption of Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) to the general public. Awareness campaigns should be carried out by either 50% of WAZA members by 2023 or by all the zoos which house charismatic species that are negatively impacted by unsustainable oil palm plantations by 2023.
2. 50% of WAZA members will commit to use CSPO in the products they retail, purchase and consume in their premises by 2023.
Read the full MoU here.
About RSPO
The Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is a not-for-profit that unites stakeholders from the 7 sectors of the palm oil industry: oil palm producers, processors or traders, consumer goods manufacturers, retailers, banks/investors, and environmental and social non-governmental organisations (NGOs), to develop and implement global standards for sustainable palm oil.
The RSPO has developed a set of environmental and social criteria which companies must comply with in order to produce Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO). When they are properly applied, these criteria can help to minimise the negative impact of palm oil cultivation on the environment and communities in palm oil-producing regions.
The RSPO has more than 5,000 members worldwide who represent all links along the palm oil supply chain. They have committed to produce, source and/or use sustainable palm oil certified by the RSPO.
More info at www.rspo.org
WAZA Palm Oil Task Force Members
Cat Barton - Chester Zoo | c.barton@chesterzoo.org
Paula Cerdán - World Association of Zoos and Aquariums | conservation@waza.org
Tracey Gazibara - Cheyenne Mountain Zoo | tgazibara@cmzoo.org
Wei Bin Ong - Wildlife Reserves Singapore | weibin.ong@mandai.com
Sarah Thomas - Auckland Zoo | sarah.thomas@aucklandzoo.co.nz