Zoos and Aquariums
Don’t Palm Us Off
Zoos Victoria
Since 2009, Zoos Victoria has been campaigning to get labelling laws changed in Australia so that palm oil is no longer hidden as 'vegetable oil' or any other names on the products you buy.
So far, more than 470,000 Australians have spoken up for palm oil labelling through Don't Palm Us Off and you can too!
By having mandatory labelling of palm oil on products, this will put the power back into the hands of consumers who will have the choice to buy products containing certified sustainable palm oil.
This will put pressure on manufacturers to clean up their act and only source 100% segregated and sustainable palm oil as certified by the independent governing body the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).
Palm Oil Awareness
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has been a member of the RSPO since 2010 and takes an active role in North America as a leader in the sustainable palm oil movement. The Zoo works to educate consumers on the importance of choosing sustainable palm oil and then connects them with companies who could be doing better to demand change.
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo also manages a free mobile app (USA & Canada) that consumers can utilize during shopping trips to discover which companies are working to conserve endangered species such as orangutans, tigers and rhinos. Those who wish to support orangutan-friendly companies can find the app by searching “Sustainable Palm Oil Shopping” in the app stores and looking for the green orangutan, or by visiting the Zoo’s Orangutans & Palm Oil page.
Sustainable Palm Oil Challenge / City
Chester Zoo
The Sustainable Palm Oil Challenge is a way of celebrating the companies who are already committed to 100% RSPO certified sustainable palm oil, supporting those that want to be sustainable and making it easier for you to pick sustainable palm oil products at home. Act now and take the Sustainable Palm Oil Challenge and protect some of the amazing species at risk from deforestation in South East Asia.
Additionally, Chester is the WORLD’S FIRST Sustainable Palm Oil City and is leading the way, one business at a time to create even more sustainable palm oil cities! If you’re interested in becoming a Sustainable Palm Oil City, champion, or are looking for a place to eat in Chester which sources sustainable palm oil, then we’ve made it easy for you!
Be Sweet to Animals
Woodland Park Zoo
Changing habits takes practice. Start the switch to sustainable palm oil by using Woodland Park Zoo’s candy guide to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Woodland Park Zoo is a voting member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, a non-profit focused on transforming markets to make sustainable palm oil the norm.
Woodland Park Zoo also partners with organizations around the world to restore and protect forests for orangutans, tigers and other wildlife impacted by the palm oil industry.
Zoological Society of London
ZSL first started working with the palm oil industry in 2001, advising companies on how to safely manage wildlife, including populations of Sumatran tigers found where they operate.
ZSL sits on the governing board of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), supporting the development of its global certification scheme, which currently covers one fifth of all palm oil produced worldwide.
ZSL also runs the Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit (SPOTT), a free online resource that provides assessments of major upstream companies in the palm oil, timber and pulp, and natural rubber sectors against best practice indicators relating to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
Raise Your Palm
Taronga Conservation Society
Taronga Zoo Sydney’s Tiger Trek, which opened in 2017, shows guests the direct relationship between the critically endangered Sumatran Tiger, livelihoods in developing economies across South-East Asia, and consumer choices in Australia.
Through Taronga Zoo Sydney’s Raise Your Palm campaign, over 103,000 messages of support from guests have been sent to some of Australia’s favourite and tiger-friendly brands that are committed to sourcing sustainable palm oil.
Other Conservation Organisations
Palm Oil Buyers Scorecard
World Wildlife Fund
First launched in 2009, the WWF Palm Oil Buyers Scorecard (POBS) ranks companies on their sustainable palm oil actions. POBS has driven major brands to source palm oil that is deforestation and conversion free, and respects human rights.
WWF's goals with the Scorecard:
Ensure companies' supply chains are clean from deforestation, habitat conversion, and human rights abuses.
Encourage companies to buy only from suppliers with clean supply chains.
Promote industry-wide sustainability through landscape and jurisdictional approaches, better traceability, smallholder support, and participation in platforms beyond RSPO.
By holding companies accountable, WWF pushes for a sustainable palm oil industry.
Has your zoo or aquarium worked on sustainable palm oil?
We want to hear from you!
Share your achievements with the zoo and aquarium community by sending us a campaign or case study.