Sustainable Palm Oil

Resources for

Zoos and Aquariums


Why Sustainable

Palm Oil?


Why Sustainable Palm Oil?

The growing palm oil industry and unsustainable production of palm oil is one of the "biggest threats" facing the forests and wildlife of places like Borneo and Sumatra – and demand is continuing to increase.  We can make a big difference in protecting wildlife by tackling the issue of unsustainable palm oil production.

  • Forest habitats are being lost, animals are losing their homes and carbon is being released into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.  We’re working with partners all over the world to promote sustainable palm oil production but we can ALL do something to make a difference.

Create Your Own Palm Oil Awareness Programme

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Switching to Sustainable Palm Oil


The WAZA Palm Oil Task Force

The WAZA Palm Oil Task Force was created to fulfill the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that WAZA entered into with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in November of 2017.

This website was created to help with two of the seven specific goals in the MoU which are:​

1. WAZA to lead the coalition of zoos and aquariums to promote awareness on the production and consumption of Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) to the general public. Awareness campaigns should be carried out by either 50% of WAZA members by 2023 or by all the zoos which house charismatic species that are negatively impacted by unsustainable oil palm plantations by 2023.​

2. 50% of WAZA members will commit to use CSPO in the products they retail, purchase and consume in their premises by 2023.